Here are the things we can help with:
Humanitarian Projects is Our Core!
If you have an interest in Funding our Core Values and special interests, please Email us: remainincontrol@protonmail.com
From making strategic decisions to developing your capabilities, I’m here to help. Using my expertise and deep understanding of the industry, you’ll receive real solutions and experience true results. Get in touch to book a meeting.
Professional Business Consultant

Professional Business & Development Consulting
Projects can be challenging. We are here to lighten the load off your shoulders. We are honest and positive professionals whose priority is always the interests of our clients. We provide capability, adaptability, and scalability. Since 2003, we have been serving loyal clients in the United States area. Get in touch to start enjoying my services today.
Keep Us In Mind
Real Estate Portfolio Review for Compliance
Paymaster Services / Domestic or International Trust Formations​
(Also offered through our attorney relationships)
Project Funding Solutions / Private Joint Venture Solutions​
We Help Provide Consulting on Monetization & Sale of Real Instruments > ​MTN'S / SBLC
"Keep in mind that the above services are Only available if the documents Are Complete & 100% Legal!"
(We only offer these above through a 3rd party relationship. )
We DO NOT Solicit! Please Abide by Protocols & Procedures.
Remain In Control is a company that is focused on individuals and small business owners. We are in the Real Estate business but with a strong emphasis on Business Structuring for the present and the future. Bring us your problem and watch how we amaze you with viable and very influential solutions. We cater to you the individual and the small business owner so that you can achieve real success with very minimized liability and hardly any risk.
In today’s challenging economic environment, any type of business needs creative solutions to minimize financial burdens and risks in order to achieve success. Remain In Control Business Consultant Specialists understands these challenges and the strategic levers required to improve business performance. Our professionals connect company objectives with worldwide intelligence. We assist clients by developing Real Estate or Other business strategies that are driven by business goals and operational requirements.
We welcome you to experience how Remain In Control Business Consultants can change the way you interact with your real estate services provider in order to achieve superior, strategy-driven results.
Our clients have personal access to our team of market and industry experts. We also connect clients to opportunities for new business. We seek to continually innovate and improve our practices to make our clients’ lives easier.
We focus exclusively on your immediate needs. We strive to have the most current data at our fingertips. We are diligent, regularly out in the field, and tapped into industry leaders—all of which results in great research and advice. Our diverse experience and broad exposure to business sectors and markets mean that we can deliver valuable perspectives to help you set goals and create a plan to achieve them. We will work as an extension of your team to evaluate new deals or act as a sounding board for decisions.
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Real Estate Consulting

Project Funding Solutions / Domestic and international Trusts
Paymaster Services​ Available - Monetization of Qualified and Valid Instruments / SBLC's & MTN's
Business Formation Services Available upon Formal Request
(Some of the Services May be Sourced out to a Reliable Source)
So, the first thing we want to know is what your immediate needs are. Once we have analyzed those needs, we can begin our journey together to reach all of your goals presently and for the future, allowing us to maximize growth and reach your true potential.
No Mumbo Jumbo words are just real actionable words for your business needs. We are not the guys who just are available on the phone. We are the group that will be the new and exciting team that will create momentum for you and your organization immediately.
Keep in Mind that We are Business Consultants!

My services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client. I work collaboratively throughout the entire process and guarantee measurable results. Contact me to find out how I can help today.

Do you have a project or idea that you’d love to bring to life? Since founding my business, I’ve provided my clients with a wide range of consulting services such as this one. To find out more, get in touch.

Our business services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client. We work collaboratively throughout the entire process and guarantee measurable results. Our Expertise is also in Trust Formations with Structure in place.
The structure is Key! If you need assistance please let us know,
Contact us to find out how I can help today.
Real Estate Portfolio Lending & Asset Lending
We can Partner with you if you have enough
Capital & Collateral. We are also able to properly structure your portfolio for a Sale.
We specialize in Selling valuable assets with Strong Equity positions and Strong Development potential.
Email us for more info or
Call us Today @ 615-988-0071
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Love working with your office and team. Very knowledgeable and experts in there the field of work. Thanks Again!
Connie Stephens
Wanted to Thank the whole Team in Ric Group for there professional manners and proper attitude toward our goals and needs. We are Happy with your services provided including our business plan and proforma. Thank all of you for your hard work and patience.
Annette Cevallos
Great Job in our Funding done quickly and professionally. Thanks Al!
George Saray
Remain In Control LLC are business consultants. We are not lenders, securities brokers, finance company, financial advisor. We solely consultant on the best avenue for your business and connect you with the appropriate entity for a success fee. (Certain requests that require our assistance in structure and or package formats we may at time to time charge an appropriate service fee for work done) Normally there are No Upfront Fees requested. The transaction(s) of our clients are strictly private and does not relate to the United States Securities act of 1933 (THE”ACT”) or related regulations and does not involve the sale of registered securities.
PLEASE DO NOT BRING US ANY FRAUDULENT DOCUMENTS AS YOU WILL BE REPORTED TO THE FBI & HOMELAND SECURITY AGENCIES. The information on this site is intended solely for the benefit of business firms and or individuals seeking to be connected with certain financial information including, funding and monetization sources, (Private Placement Programs) PPP and financial instruments. The material on this site may list possible service features & or sample institutions for informational purposes only. None are guaranteed and all are subject to change on a daily basis. Nothing on this website can or will constitutes an offer or solicitation to purchase any investment, solution or a recommendation to buy or sell securities nor is it to be construed as investment advice. The services featured on this Website may not be available in all jurisdictions or to all persons and or corporate entities. We select our clients carefully and do not accept all applications. Due to FATCA (Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act) we DO NOT provide ANY services to US Passport Holders, US Companies, clients utilizing Banks located in the US for transactions, or Clients that Reside in the US, or Businesses with Head Offices located in the US. By accessing this Web Site users acknowledge that Remain in Control LLC has advised them all transactions have associated risk and that prior to entering any transaction all clients should undertake to consult Independent Legal and Accounting Experts prior to commencing, signing or committing to any transaction. Our Business is neither a Mutual Fund, Bank, Broker, Finance Company, Financial Adviser or Licensed in any way shape or form. We hereby advise all clients that any contemplated transaction(s) of our Clients are strictly private and in no way may relate nor does it involve the sale of registered securities. References to the transaction network Euroclear, DTCC and or Swift on this website do not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by those parties to Remain in Control LLC.
Any references to those companies solely record real transaction networks and processes that are commonly used for the completion and settlement of client transactions. All transaction information is strictly private, confidential and classified and not to be provided to parties not approved in writing by Remain in Control LLC nor published or referred to in any public forum on the internet or in the media. Disclosure, copying, distribution, reprinting or reuse of the contents or information on this web site is completely and totally prohibited.
Disclaimer: For security purposes, our staff training, to assist in resolving complaints and to improve our customer service, all our email communications are monitored & telephone calls may be recorded.